Sunday, January 5, 2020

My Letter My Mother - 866 Words

My Mamie, my dear, I miss you. And the worst part about this is that during all my previous sadness, I had a shoulder to cry on. Your shoulder. This time, I am alone in the world. I have to carry the weight of losing you, my favourite person, the one I loved most. I remember everything you told me and did for me, and my heart sheds tears along with my eyes. I will never forget you and your kindness, your innocence, and your thoughtfulness. Mamie, everything you have done for me is not in vain. I will do you proud. I will do as you would have wanted me to. But, I miss you. I wish you were here with me, and I wish I wasn t all alone in the darkness and the depths of despair. Mamie, come back. I miss you. I know I never told you, but I wish you could know that I love you. I took you for granted, and I learned my lesson. I only wish I hadn t been so angry all these times, all the times I teased you should not have happened. I wish I had shown you how much I love you before you went and left me all alone here. I never knew your value, never thought of letting you know my love for you, until you left. Because now, no matter how much I call out for you, no matter how much I cry, no matter how much I long for you, you will not hear me. Mamie, I will always hold the memories I shared with you dear. I dream of you, but when I wake up you are gone. Mamie, you were my Sun and I was the planet, and a planet cannot flourish without its Sun. And yet I still carry hope in my heart - myShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Great War End742 Words   |  3 PagesGreat War Ends. That’s what I read in big, bold letters on the very top of The Chicago Daily Tribune. After four years of seeing other titles such as 25,000 DEAD AND WOUNDED and THREE BATTLES RAGING. I could hardly believe my eyes and all I could think was father is finally coming home. 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