Tuesday, February 25, 2020

HR Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

HR - Assignment Example The aim of this paper is to shed light on the various facets of telecommuting, its implications, work management tools and a pilot program suggestion that incorporates all the necessary elements for effectiveness. Gone are the days when it was customary for work to be done within confined spaces and offices behind a desk in from a designated time period. The growing importance of human resources and a study of the various aspects associated with it gave birth to new concepts that were aimed at motivating employees as a driver of productivity. Many theories emerged for example the service profit model that proposes that motivated employees contribute towards workplace efficiency and ultimately improve the overall service levels of the business. Since employee motivation plays a significant role in internally driving the workforce to give their best at their work, many steps and accommodations are allowed by the employers to make sure that the employees are at ease while at work. The growing importance of a dedicated workforce for the overall organizational success has made it imperative that their changing needs are accounted for and catered too. Employees now seek work discretion and creativity as important factor for pursuing and retaining a job. Personal lives and commitments are regarded as important as professional ones, making it necessary for the workplaces to provide them the flexibility to enjoy both. Just like job sharing and working time flexibility, telecommuting is one such feature that plays a massive role in giving the employees the power and flexibility to work as they please but within time. Telecommuting refers to the ability of the employees to work from distant locations during some days of the week (Hr.ucmerced.edu, 2014). These locations could include homes, libraries or other work stations. By allowing the employees to do the same work they would have done if they were at the office, from a place of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Effects of Facebook Usage on the Egyptian Revolution Research Paper

Effects of Facebook Usage on the Egyptian Revolution - Research Paper Example In fact, social networking sites have been the most visited websites in the internet and a lot of news from current events have traversed the connections in these social networking sites. Among the currently existing social networking sites, perhaps the most popular is Facebook. Because of the great advantages and convenience that it offers, Facebook has been part of the ways for people to communicate with each other, from simple personal messages to updates about what is going on with both the local and international communities. As such, this research paper will look into exactly how instrumental Facebook has been in affecting one of the most controversial events of recent times, and that is the Egyptian revolution. This research study and the applied hypotheses are rooted on the Theory of Planned Behavior by Icek Ajzen (1987). The goal of the Theory of Planned Behavior is to provide an explanation as to why people do what they do (Ajzen, 1987). Theorists explain that people do so because they form an INTENTION to carry out the action. Intentions are influenced by the person’s beliefs, the social pressure to conform to the wishes of others, and their perceived ability to carry out the action. These are known as ATTITUDE, SUBJECTIVE NORM and PERCEIVED BEHAVIORAL CONTROL. Thus, the Theory of Planned Behavior is a theory which predicts deliberate behavior, because behavior can be deliberative and planned. According to the theory, the best predictor of behavior is intention. Intention is the cognitive representation of a person's readiness to perform a given behavior, and it is considered to be the immediate antecedent of behavior (Ajzen, 2005). This intention is determined by three things: their attitude toward the specific behavior, their subjective norms and their perceived behavioral control. The theory of planned behavior holds that only specific attitudes toward the behavior in question can be expected to predict that behavior (Manstead & Parker 1995 ; Terry, Hogg and White 1999; Parker, et al 1992). In addition to measuring attitudes toward the behavior, it is necessary to measure people’s subjective norms – their beliefs about how people they care about will view the behavior in question. To predict someone’s intentions, knowing these beliefs can be as important as knowing the person’s attitudes. Finally, perceived behavioral control influences intentions. Perceived behavioral control refers to people's perceptions of their ability to perform a given behavior. These predictors lead to intention. A general rule, the more favorable the attitude and the subjective norm, and the greater the perceived control the stronger should the person’s intention to perform the behavior in question (Aronson, Wilson and Akert 2003). This study is interested in knowing how the actions of people pertaining to using Facebook affected the revolution and partly, the study is also interested in knowing why people re acted as they did and what were the effects after such actions.